Event Details

CFA Society Beijing is honored to invite Mr. Paul Schulte, the founder of Schulte Research, to make a speech for our members. In the speech, he will share with us as below.

  • Part 1:how the mind tricks & how AI can help beat 'blind spots'
  • Part 2:who is implementing these tools best in financial services
  • Part 3: corporate case studies globally with specific focus on China
  • Part 4 industry focus:quantum computing, cloud, and insurtech
  • Part 5: what is Singapore's agenda to be a relevant AI player

Details 活动详情

  • Date:Monday, 22 April  (2019年4月22日 星期一)
  • Time:19:00 - 20:30 (Registration : 18:30-19:00)
  • Language:English
  • Venue:SAIF, 2F, South tower, Financial Street Center, No 9A Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 


备 注:

  • 活动当天需出示身份证在金融街中心服务台登记后方可刷卡进入;
  • 进入金融街中心,请不要从扶梯上二层,需要乘坐南面的直梯上二层方可到达上海高金学院


  • Paul Schulte (the founder of Schulte Research)

    Paul Schulte

    the founder of Schulte Research

    Paul Schulte is the founder of Schulte Research, which was set up in 2012 to research financial institutions and financial technology. He has spent 3 decades in research on financials. He has worked for all 3 branches of US government, including the NSC at the White House.

    He currently teaches in 3 universities, has written 5 books and authored hundreds of articles. He has worked for the Number 1 investment bank from US, UK, Japan, China & Switzerland starting in 1990. He has taught on 5 continents. His focus is technological change in banks & insurance. He has been a source on financial markets for Bloomberg, WSJ, NYT, IHT, Nikkei, FT, Economist, Barron’s & Forbes. His clients include some of the largest sovereign, pension, mutual and hedge funds globally.

    view more

Policies 活动政策

  • The registration confirmation will be sent by email on 17:00 21 April. If you don't receive any email until 12:00 on 21 April, please contact us. event@beijing.cfasociety.org.


  • Please send email to event@beijing.cfasociety.org to cancel your registration and apply for refunding. Cancellation email must be received by 21 April 2019.

     如需退款并取消报名,请在4月21日前发送邮件至event@beijing.cfasociety.org ,备注姓名+活动名称+微信账号,我们将在活动结束后的3个工作日内原路径退款。

  • CFA Society Beijing reserves the right to change the date or cancel the event.
